The biggest problem in today's world:
Environmental pollution causes stress!
Stress of any kind causes the autonomic nervous system to constantly switch to the sympathetic nervous system. It is the attack and flight mode in which metabolic processes in the body are altered, as a person on the run has other needs and has to perform better for a short time.

In addition, the adrenal glands produce the stress hormone cortisol, which is highly toxic in large quantities and leads to hyperacidity in the body - which in turn triggers further harmful secondary processes.
The blood can no longer transport enough oxygen and bases have to be extracted from the bones and other areas. This creates an optimal environment for fungi, bacteria, viruses and cancer.
Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931 for this discovery.
It is important for our health that our body is switched to the parasympathetic nervous system - the regeneration and relaxation mode - at night in order to be able to go through important regulatory processes.
A BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer supports and promotes this process.