DETOX – Detox plate

natural detoxification by restoring the original vibration

Detoxify, balance, erase, magnetize

One panel - many applications:

What exactly does the BIOGETA® DETOX detoxification plate do?

The BIOGETA® DETOX plate deletes the toxic vibration from food, drinks, children's toys, plastic cutlery, etc. through the "side effect" of a quantum-physical active principle called the "Casimir effect".

Named after physicist Hendrik Casimir, the DETOX plate's structural design creates a zero-point field with a strong negative-pole radiation at the surface. These negative quanta generate negative ions and provide a natural re-magnetization and detoxification of everything placed on the plate. 

In addition, the DETOX plate can be used to energetically cleanse, reset and return to the original vibrational state gemstones, jewelry and silicon or gemstone-based interference suppression products, as well as to delete energetic foreign attachments.

How to use the DETOX Detoxification Plate?

To detoxify food, drinks or toys (basically all plastic items), simply place them on the plate for about 60 seconds.

In time, all toxic vibrations and attachments are erased and the natural order is restored in organic structures, such as food or stones.

As you can see on the schematic diagram of the working principle of the DETOX plate, it is important that the plate lies horizontally - and that the lower side of the plate has no contact with the upper plate, nor with anything below it. Ideally, the plate should stand freely on the kitchen sideboard, so that all purchases can be detoxified on it.

Case study rock crystal:

A rock crystal has a vibration property that is quite unique and typical of it when it is pure.

That is, when it is magnetically balanced.

Due to degradation - mostly in the form of strong vibration from blasting - the stay in areas of positive radiation (e.g. near a WLAN router) or due to energetic charging of the wearer, the magnetic pulsation force decreases over time. The vibration of the stone thus becomes slower and it is increasingly perceived as "restless".

In esoteric articles one reads then that one must shower him under cold water to "recharge" him. What actually happens under a water shower, however, is that it comes into contact with negative ions that are created by the atomizing water - and it thereby regains part of its magnetic pulsation force.

By placing it on the DETOX plate for about 60 seconds, you reset the stone and give it back its original vibration by balancing its magnetic pulsation force. This is done by the strong minus-pole radiation on the surface and the negative ions that are created as a result. In addition, the re-structuring deletes adhesions and detoxifies the stone grossly and subtly.

You will immediately feel that the stone suddenly feels calmer and more comfortable, and it gives you energy that you can now absorb.

Do you already own a BIOGETA® BIO-WAVER, a BALANCE pendant or various Schungite or Tourmaline products to balance technical radiation?

Similar to the rock crystal example, basically every stone and silicon-based structure is capable of absorbing information and storing it. In addition, we live in a time in which we are consistently exposed to pulsed radiation. This is mainly caused by the increasing number of high frequency transmitters (LTE, 5G, WLAN, Bluetooth, etc.). This results in an increasing positive ionization of our living space - which in turn also has an impact on gemstones and silicon carriers.

A strong positive ionization leads to a decrease of the magnetic pulsation force. And this in turn is elementarily important for every oscillating body in order to radiate its information as completely as possible and, above all, in a bioavailable way.

With a BIOGETA® DETOX plate you can energetically cleanse our BIOGETA® products, remove potential adhesions and restore the magnetic pulsation power - i.e. you can "maintain" them independently - as well as detoxify and energetically cleanse any gemstone or piece of jewelry that does not feel "pleasant".


I have been working on this topic for several years now and have built many prototypes and done all kinds of tests with different applications in the meantime.

The results were always overwhelming.

This is because, in addition to the many possible applications in the field of bioresonance therapy, it quickly became apparent that the quantum transformation process described by Casimir creates the basis for a product that is not only very easy to use, but extremely versatile in its everyday applications.

Thus, the prototype of such a "detoxification plate" has been in our kitchen on our sideboard for two years now and we clean our vegetables and fruit for our children with it. If you put a tomato on the plate, after about 30 seconds it is free from toxic vibrations that were absorbed by the tomato through acid rain, pesticides, packaging materials and irradiation.

Yes, even the poisonous vibration of baby pacifiers or plastic bottles can be reliably extinguished with it. And it does so quite naturally.

But that's not all. Thus, one of the plates has been in our production for a long time and we use it to establish the natural order of the materials for our products before they are informed with our BIOGETA frequencies.

It is important to understand that the plate does not additionally energize - as e.g. with a Bio-Waver - but detoxifies naturally, in which the natural magnetic pulsation force and thus the natural primordial order is restored.

And if once in a while a BALANCE pendant or Bio-Waver comes back from a customer because he has the impression that it feels platically different, we put it on the DETOX plate for a few minutes and thereby delete any kind of foreign information, energetic attachment or plus ionization by strong electrosmog fields and the pendant / Bio-Waver works again like on the first day.

You can use it to "clean" and reset any gemstone, free any piece of jewelry from energetic attachments and thereby preserve - or rekindle - the original vibration.

Here is a brief explanation:

Every energy-conducting structure is able to absorb additional energetic information. And even if we have built several protective mechanisms into our BIOGETA information matrix, both a balance pendant and a Bio-Waver are and remain grossly unprotected.

In BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizers we have created a complex membrane function so that no external information can reach the core of the module.

However, a schungite pendant or a silicon wafer may become somewhat weaker in its magnetic force if, for example, it is exposed to direct strong microwave irradiation - and thus to strong plus-pole radiation.

That is, if you place it directly on a WLAN router, for example. Likewise, a Bio-Waver can lose its magnetic power if you subject it to hard impacts. With the help of the DETOX plate, our products can also be reset, energetically cleaned and thus "maintained" quasi independently.

Sebastian Krüger
Building biologist, alternative practitioner, bioresonance therapist

Why detoxify food?

In addition to the "contaminants" of food that can be detected in the gross matter in the form of pesticides during cultivation, additives to extend shelf life or preservation methods such as spraying apples with wax, our food is exposed to a whole range of toxins that may not be detectable in the gross matter but are very well detectable in the fine matter and have a harmful effect on our health.

The very act of wrapping a tomato in plastic film or transporting it in a plastic bag ensures that some of the toxic vibrations of the plastic are absorbed by the tomato. Likewise the effects of acid rain, the raining down of pollution by geoengineering (e.g. chemtrails) - but also the effects of synthetic artificial light during indoor cultivation give off hostile information that we later eat.

If you give your toddler a plastic bottle, or a pacifier, you can be sure that toxic vibrations are emitted there, because there are basically no stable plastics. Only slower diffusing ones, which thus comply with the grossly measurable limits.

However, if you go here and test the whole thing subtly with the help of radiesthesia and corresponding measurement charts - or kinesiologically - you will see how many toxins we actually eat and drink every day.

With the help of the DETOX plate, these subtle toxic vibrations can be deleted.

Why does the DETOX plate "only" delete the information that is harmful to us?

As Masuro Emoto has impressively proven with his water experiments, negative words and thoughts also influence the crystalline structure of water.

This can be proven photographically.

And this is exactly how so-called "energetic attachments" to stones, jewelry or our harmonization products such as a Bio-Waver or a balance pendant can be explained purely non-esoterically from our point of view.

The structure of a stone is disturbed so that it vibrates inharmoniously. The DETOX plate creates a harmonious structure again, so that all harmonious information is retained, but disharmonious information is "reset".