Our experienced team of building biologists, naturopaths and bioenergetic consultants will be happy to help you. Do you have questions about building biology or health problems that you believe may be related to exposure to electrosmog, radio or earth radiation - or would you like more information about BIOGETA's balancing products? Then simply select a free consultation appointment in our calendar and we will call you at the agreed time.
*The next available consultant will be assigned. If you want to choose a specific consultant, click on the button of the consultant and select an available appointment in the calendar of the respective consultant.
Bioenergetische Beraterin, Radiästhetin, Energetikerin, Ganzheitliche Gesundheitsberaterin
Bioenergetic counselor,
Radiästhetin, baubiologische Messtechnikerin, BIOGETA Produktberaterin
Building biologist, alternative practitioner (HPP), bioresonance therapist, radiesthesist/radionicist