HOME Harmonizer set for rent

Instead of buying a HOME Harmonizer, you can now rent one from us. When you sign a rental agreement, you will receive a custom-made HOME Harmonizer on loan from us and only pay one monthly rent.
You will also receive a Starter packageconsisting of a BIO-WAVER, a DETOX plate and our video course + e-book "Elektrosmog Soforthilfe". You may keep the products in the starter package even after the end of the rental contract.
A one-off setup fee of € 199 is payable when the contract is concluded, but this is significantly less than the total value of the individual products in the Start package!
Instead of buying a HOME Harmonizer, you can now rent one from us. If you sign a rental agreement, you will receive a HOME Harmonizer specially made for you on loan from us and only pay one monthly rent.
You will also receive a Starter packageconsisting of a BIO-WAVER, a DETOX plate and our video course + e-book "Elektrosmog Soforthilfe". You may keep the products in the starter package even after the end of the rental contract.
A one-off setup fee of €179 is payable when the contract is concluded, but this is significantly less than the total value of the individual products in the Start package!
You can terminate the rental contract at any time to the end of the month. There are No contract commitment!
In other words, you can use the HOME module for as long as you like, and if you feel it is of no use to you, simply send it back to us. As already mentioned, you can use the products from the starter package retained even upon termination of the rental agreement. They are yours!
Size S
Up to 75sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size M
Up to 150 sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size L
Up to 250 sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size XL
Up to 400 sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size XXL
Up to 600 sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size S
Up to 75sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size M
Up to 150 sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size L
Up to 250 sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size XL
Up to 400 sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Size XXL
Up to 600 sqm living space*-
HOME Harmonizer
DETOX plate
E-Book + Video Course
Important Notice:
For technical reasons, the rental set must be ordered individually. In other words, no other products may be in the shopping cart when ordering, otherwise PAYPAL will not complete the order.
We have been thinking for a long time about how we can make our most important product, the HOME Harmonizer, accessible to even more people - and take the risk completely on our side.
We are aware that the market in which we operate is not easy and that many people are often rather skeptical about this topic. For this reason, until some time ago we offered a 3-month right of return, which we reduced to 30 days due to internal sales processes. However, both 30 days and 3 months are often too short to see and feel real changes - especially in the area of personal health. Sometimes you feel it very quickly - sometimes it takes a little longer. This depends very much on the individual factors of each person. For example, the intake of medication, exposure to heavy metals, psychosocial stress, hormonal fluctuations, etc.
With the new MietMe model, everyone can take the time they need without having to invest a large sum upfront. And as the manufacturer, we don't have to refund large sums after many months in the event of a return.
We have the modules produced by our in-house manufacturer according to our exact specifications. In other words, we have to pay the production costs, the module is personalized, i.e. it is given an individual serial number and assigned to the person placing the order in our system. All of this costs money.
However, to ensure that the setup fee is also covered by a material equivalent, we give every rental deal a free starter pack consisting of products that you can even keep if you cancel the rental contract. To be honest, the setup fee does not cover our production and administration costs by far, but we are very confident that the majority of our modules will remain with our customers for a long time, because they are by far the best system available on the market to effectively and, above all, measurably compensate not only for electrosmog and radio interference, but also for geopathic interference zones.
If you want to end the contract, you can easily do this yourself in your customer account with just one click. The contract will then end at the end of each month and no further charges will be made. If you terminate the contract, please return the module to us by the end of the month in question. You can keep the products from the starter package in any case.
You simply order the desired size of the HOME Harmonizer regularly in our store. During the checkout process, a monthly subscription is created with PAYPAL. The one-off setup fee will also be debited. You will then receive your set within a few days.
From our many years of experience, we know that the best results are always achieved when you minimize the existing technical burdens in your own company as much as possible. Hence the e-book and the course. The DETOX plate because it can be used to maintain the HOME Harmonizer and our other products. Ideally, the HOME Harmonizer should be placed on the DETOX plate once a week for approx. 1 minute. The DETOX plate can also be used to energetically cleanse other objects, such as gemstones or jewelry, and to detoxify and energetically improve food. The BIO-WAVER not only helps to build up your own energy field more quickly, but can also be used very well as a selective reinforcement for very strong geopathic interference zones under the bedroom or workplace.
In other words, the products in the starter pack help the HOME Harmonizer to help you 🙂
For a healthy family!
Effective compensation of earth radiation and electrosmog!

"In a healthy house dwells a healthy body - in a healthy body dwells a healthy mind!"
Why you should test a BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer:
More energy!
Areas above geological interference zones often vibrate lower than we humans do and drain us of energy. Permanent loss of energy leads to fatigue, reduced performance and increased susceptibility to illness.
A BIOGETA® HOME module measurably compensates for energetic deficits via interference zones and protects against energy loss.
Less stress!
Electrosmog and radio pollution cause stress and disturb the vegetative nervous system. Vegetative stress leads, among other things, to increased cortisol formation and ultimately to hyperacidity of the body with corresponding consequences.
A BIOGETA® HOME module balances electrosmog and radio pollution and promotes the parasympathetic nervous system.
Better sleep!
By balancing disturbing stresses, natural melatonin production is restored and a relaxing and restorative sleep is promoted.
Less nighttime urination, better sleep through the night, less night sweats, and less bedwetting/screaming in children are often the results.
More vitality!
Restful sleep without stress and energy loss provides more vitality, increased life energy, stronger immune system and better health.
Lower susceptibility to infections, better ability to concentrate, higher stress tolerance in everyday life and increased fertility are often welcome "side effects".
So helps you the BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer:
Electrosmog, radio and earth radiation is balanced out
Interference fields in your body are harmonized
Your body will be restored to its natural balance
The natural melatonin production is promoted
A healthy sleep-wake rhythm can develop

A BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer effectively balances out stresses caused by electrosmog and earth radiation and promotes your body's self-healing powers.

With the BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer, we offer an effective and easy-to-install universal solution for home harmonization that is priced in the range of a small TV set - so it is affordable for everyone.
This is a module that creates a harmonic vibrational field throughout the house, or apartment.
For this purpose, balancing frequencies are applied to the house current by means of a so-called frequency modulation (similar to a radio transmitter) and are thus available in the entire house / apartment.

By means of a BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer, in addition to balancing electrosmog and radio pollution (WLAN, mobile radio, Bluetooth, etc.), a water vein, for example, is balanced in such a way that no more energy is extracted from the person in these zones, and he is thus no longer weakened, burdened and stressed.
The autonomic nervous system is supported and the parasympathetic nervous system is promoted.
This helps the body to heal itself!
This is the last promotion in which we offer a 3-month return policy!
Your advantages:
- better sleep
- better health
- a healthier family
- more relaxed children
- Children who sleep through
- Healthier animals
- more energy
- better nutrient uptake
- stronger immune system
- Higher performance
- younger look
- more power during sports
- higher concentration ability
- strengthened self-healing powers
- More vitality
- Increased fertility
One module for the whole apartment / house!

House harmonization with BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer

Home irradiation without BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer
The required module size depends on the size of the living space:
Size S: up to 70sqm living space
Size M: up to 150sqm living space
Size L: up to 250sqm living space
Size XL: up to 400sqm living space
Size XXL: up to 600sqm living space
Important Notice:
When calculating the correct size, the counter circle is important. That is, everything that hangs in the meter circle must be counted. Garages, basements, converted attics, etc. that are billed via the electricity meter must be taken into account when calculating the area. If the value is exactly between two sizes, it is always recommended to take the larger one. It is not a problem to use a larger module for a smaller apartment.
We (my partner and I) have had the Biogeta module in the socket now since 02/10/2020. Since then, our alternative practitioner cannot measure any stress that was measurable by geological stress or e-smog or water veins.
We sleep much more relaxed and have hardly any wake-up phases.
It has a calming effect on us in everyday life.
Love greetings,
Ute Puschkat and Burkhard Kroll.
The functions of the BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer:
Compensation of electrosmog
Exposure to 50Hz house current (electric as well as magnetic alternating fields) and 16Hz railroad current (e.g. due to a railroad line near the house) is effectively compensated.
Microwave compensation
Compensation of all radio transmitters surrounding us (WLAN, DECT cordless phone, LTE, 5G, GSM mobile radio, baby monitors, smart meters, satellite radio, radar, etc.).
Compensation of earth rays
A BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer manages to measurably* balance water veins as well as faults and disturbances of the global grid system.
Minimization of fine dust
By changing the air ionization to a ratio of up to 4 minus to 1 plus ION, less dust is trapped in the air, making the air clearer and cleaner.
*The effect of the HOME Harmonizer is measurable with a bioresonance device in the context of a building biology resonance test. That is, as soon as a module of the right size is installed, no geopathic interference zone is detectable in the entire house (circuit) with a resonance test.
The principle of action
Anyone who has taken a closer look at gemstones knows that each stone has a specific vibration pattern. Therapists who are trained in this can successfully treat diseases with stones by balancing disharmonious structures.
The silicon core of the BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer is comparable to a gemstone, but charged with a specially compiled information package from BIOGETA®. The silicon in the core vibrates this information package onto a cable, which is connected to the power supply of the house / apartment. Thus, the balancing information of the core is distributed throughout the house and is thus available everywhere and balances all loads in the house, or in the apartment.
The 50Hz of the power grid serves as the transport frequency. This is comparable to the way a radio station works. In a radio, an information packet (e.g. content in the form of music) is modulated onto a carrier frequency (e.g. 107 MHz) and distributed via this carrier frequency. We use the 50Hz of the power grid for transmission, since the grid is available everywhere (60Hz in the USA).
By using the already available 50Hz house power grid as a transporter, we manage to get the BIOGETA® balancing frequencies into every corner of the house - because a slight - often not even measurable - electro smog is emitted from every wire in the walls. The BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer not only balances this actually harmful electrosmog, but uses it positively as a transporter to distribute the hamonizing information throughout the house.
Can the function of the Home Harmonizer be disturbed?
If there are shielded lines in the house, the HOME Harmonizer cannot be used. Likewise, if the walls are completely shielded, it cannot be used because the information will not enter the room due to shielding.
In this case, you can protect the sleeping place from geopathic interference zones at night with a BIO-WAVER.
What makes the BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer so unique?
In recent years, experienced radiesthesists have increasingly noticed strong energetic fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field. Some speak thereby of "from the outside caused" manipulations by high frequency transmitting stations of the military - others of natural events with different explanation models. But whatever causes these fluctuations is basically of no real importance.
However, the effect does it very good!
These energetic fluctuations lead to the fact that very often - especially at night (in Central Europe) - the strength of the basic energy, i.e. the Bovis value - is lowered (exactly the same happens on many geopathic interference zones).
As a result loses any Man during these phases (and on such zones) precious life energy!
We have been able to observe this phenomenon for several years and it has been confirmed to us by many clients and therapists.
The BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer balances these stresses by stabilizing the basic energy!
Any radiesthesist who has mastered the "2 factor method" can easily measure this himself.
Measurable compensation of earth radiation!
The BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer is the only system known to us, which is able to detect all geopathic disturbance zones in the house via the electric circuit - measurable (e.g. by means of a resonance test) - and to compensate for the damaging effect of the electrosmog, or at least to greatly weaken it.
Other systems working partly similarly balance the body on a disturbance zone, or virtually reprogram it so that it does not react to the disturbance. However, this cannot be measured, but must be believed. With the BIOGETA® HOME system, even with a modern bioresonance device, not a single frequency value of a geopathic disturbance can be detected once the module has been installed - provided that the right size of device has been chosen.
Those who know a bit of commuting will also notice that the Bovis level in the house increases significantly, the current suddenly turns right and the air ionization changes. Some customers speak of a pleasant tingling sensation going up their spine as soon as the system starts working. Others of suddenly fresher air in the rooms and better room acoustics.
By using the BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer, the ion ratio in the room air changes. For our well-being we need an increased negative ionization. Approximately in the ratio 1 plus to 4 minus. We often find such a ratio at brooks and lakes. That is why we feel very comfortable there. Electrosmog and earth radiation change the ratio to our disadvantage. It is not uncommon to find an ion ratio of 1 minus to 4 plus in our home. So exactly the wrong way around. The positively charged ions then bind matter, among other things, which leads to increased fine dust as well as dust deposits. You can often see this when the sun shines through the window during the day and the dust particles dance in the air.
So now when a HOME Harmonizer changes the ionic ratio, not as much dust is bound. For example, one customer reported that her air purifier with auto-detector switched on less and less often, and finally not at all, after starting up an FM Biofeldformer Home Module (the name of the HOME Harmonizer at the time). A very nice example of the functionality of BIOGETA® technology.
A BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer creates a free space and has a harmonizing and balancing effect. In addition, a stable energy field is built up and the body is thus given the opportunity to regenerate and heal itself.
An interesting side effect of the system can be observed in the behavior of the animals. Dogs usually react directly and very relaxed to the suddenly changed vibration field, because they - like us humans - are radiation fugitives. Also horses, cows, chickens and pigs (a BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer can also be used very well for harmonizing animal stables). Cats, as "radiation seekers", are sometimes a little irritated at first, but usually also get used to the new field very quickly.
The BIOGETA® system is the only system known and tested to us, which is able to harmonize a curry grid crossing point via the electric circuit! Similar working systems partly increase the Bovis value of such a - always very energy taking - point, but often do not manage to raise it to a positive value. To really "disarm" a curry point sustainably one has to raise it to at least 8500 Bovis.
The biofield shaper and moving the bed showed after ONLY 5 weeks of retesting that no more water veins were resonating.
The plants grow gigantically fast and bloom incredibly beautifully and frequently. Overall, a great atmosphere can be felt. Our cat also loves the Biofeldformer, she has new favorite places, but most of all she loves to lie directly by the Biofeldformer ;-).
Dear Biogeta team, we are very happy to have found you. According to my philosophy of life: "Harmony/balance means health", you contribute a lot with your product.
Thank you so much for this!!! Best regards, stay healthy!!!
Heidelinde & Miriam
In September last year I ordered from you for my daughter the size M Biofeldformer.
She and her partner tried unsuccessfully to have a child since July 2018. Since she lives in the city of Dresden in a 17-family house and I am well aware of the problems of e-smog and radiation exposure, I decided to give her this device.
What can I say, since the turn of the year she is now pregnant and we are all very excited about the baby in September! She was able to cancel the appointment at the fertility clinic in time!
Many warm greetings from Dresden,
Kathrin Bischoff
Questions & Answers
Biofield shaping is basically a pure harmonization of the organism. In other words, as a rule, nothing is changed in the interference zone, but the body is provided with the corresponding balancing frequencies.
The basis for understanding this type of room harmonization is provided by bioresonance. Paul Schmidt has already recognized and scientifically described at the beginning of the 70s that everything around us, as well as especially in ourselves, vibrates in very specific frequencies. Each frequency has both polarities, plus and minus. If there is an imbalance in one of the frequency values, i.e. a polarity shift, disharmony arises and later usually illness.
For example, if a person stays on an irritation zone - e.g. caused by a water vein - the polarity shifts on one or more certain frequencies and the body is weakened. If one knows the corresponding frequency values, one can make them available to the body in the room with the help of special resonators or as pure information. The most famous biofield shapers are supplied by the Rayonex company, whose founder was Paul Schmidt himself.
The approach of the Duplex series is to provide the full frequency spectrum of geopathic interference zones in both polarities in the room. Due to the law of resonance, the body uses only what it needs. In other words, if there is a deficit of a plus polarity in a certain frequency, it gets it directly, or it can help itself to it. With FM biofield shaping, BIOGETA® FM biofield shapers even manage to balance the body in polarities - in the case of earth radiation and electrosmog pollution - as well as to measurably eliminate the spectrum of geopathic interference zones.
In addition to the specific regulation level of FM Biofeldformers, the main focus in the development of the Mudule was on the energy factor.
What is the use of a system that instructs the body to feel certain radiation fields differently, or even of a system that manages to counteract an interference zone by means of individually adaptable counter-vibrations, if the energy value, very well definable by the Bovis value, remains in a range that vibrates lower than the human being?
Due to the law of negative entropy, the human being loses vital energy on such fields. That is, regardless of the harmful radiation spectrum, above all, the energy value of the place must be raised to at least a neutral value, otherwise important regulatory processes in the body can no longer take place. ...
If a mains isolation switch or mains decoupler is active, the BioFieldformer should not be plugged into the enabled bedroom.
In such cases, a bio-wafer or a biofield repeater is very well suited as a supplement. This would then ensure local elimination of the interference zones under the respective beds, while the FM Biofeldformer provides compensation at a central location during the day.
However, a part of the compensating frequencies also arrives in the sleeping areas despite the mains decoupler. And this is through lines in the neighboring rooms or rooms below.
In some cases, this is even sufficient for complete erasure of the interference zones even without bio-wafers during the night.
The modules do not consume anything. The silicon core oscillates the information through a membrane onto a conductor and thus onto the house current.
The energy required by the module is the natural vibrational property of the crystalline core.
It is quasi free energy, because it provides for the oscillation of the nucleus. Basically, every crystal - thus also silicon - vibrates by free cosmic energy.
Basically, there are two ways to build such modules. The first possibility - without going into detail - would be that certain information is stored on a carrier, in this case the silicon core of the module, and then released to the environment.
The second possibility is to install only an instruction on the core, after which a certain field generates itself again and again. This is comparable to a vector path, where start and end points are defined, and the distance in between is built up again and again. This allows vectors to be scaled arbitrarily without losing quality, whereas a bitmap, for example, consists of pixel points that quickly become blurred when zoomed in.
Compared to the FM biofield formers, these are constructed like a vector. This means that as long as the core can oscillate, a constant field will build up again and again without losing quality.
If you ever feel that the power has dropped, unplug the module and walk around the house with it for a few minutes. This will cause the core to resonate again and release the full frequency spectrum.
However, by using the mains decoupler that matches the modules, this is no longer necessary and the module remains permanently in oscillation.
The basis of the modules is silicon. It is virtually a microchip with a small rasp.
Silicon has a crystalline structure and is able to store the finest information and instructions and implement them accordingly. That is why silicon is used in the computer industry, and why quartz crystals serve as clocks in watches, for example.
The advantage of a silicon critsall is its oscillation property. It is therefore the perfect transmitter to resonate the regulation information onto the circuit.
A question that is asked very often, concerns the thickness of the modules. It is important to understand that the recommended size of the modules depends on the size distribution of the circuit and the resistors in it (branches, fuses, etc.).
It is not that a larger module produces "more energy", but has more volume, and vibrates more strongly. But it is the same information structure. The goal is to delete the existing interference zones through an interference, to balance the body in the polarities and and to raise "negative" Bovis values to the ambient level.
So it is possible to use an L size module in a small apartment without any problems. In case of doubt, we always advise to take the larger module instead of the smaller one.
As a rule, it is often the case that at the latest 4 weeks after a Biogate module has been put into operation, there is no longer any evidence of exposure to water vein faults, earth grids or NF electrosmog as well as HF electrosmog in the body.
However, this does not necessarily mean that all the symptoms that have arisen up to that point have disappeared directly. This usually takes a little longer.
The FM Biofeldformer balances polarities and "negative" areas of vibration so that we no longer lose energy, our cells do not depolarize and the autonomic nervous system is balanced.
The new series of modules works very gently, so you will probably notice only after a few days that you would like to stay in bed longer and overall rest.
In the first few days there may even be some restlessness, as the body often has to get used to the changed vibrational field first.
YES! The main efficiency of an FM biofield former is within the meter circuit of the corresponding dwelling. Experience has shown that the meter is too great a resistance for the information to be transferred across it to the rest of the house current.
However, if you have direct neighbors, they may also be able to benefit from your balancing vibration field through the cables laid in your walls. The same applies to apartments above.
However, by far not the same effect can be expected as if the module is active directly within the housing circuit.
Basically, it does not matter where the module is plugged in, because the regulation information is modulated on the 50Hz of the house current and thus distributed everywhere in the house / apartment.
Experience shows that the best results can be achieved if the module is plugged in on the same floor as the bedrooms or living room.
We recommend plugging it directly into a free wall socket and only into a multiple socket in an emergency.
In order to calculate the correct size, it is important to understand how the biofield shaper works. It modulates a packet of information onto the 50Hz of the power grid and thus distributes throughout the house - or within the meter circuit. This means that not only the inhabited rooms, but also other rooms where wires are installed must be added to the area. E.g. basement rooms, garages, carports and/or the attic. For the latter, it is usually sufficient to calculate 1/3 of the total area of the attic, because usually only one pipe goes up there. The same is true for most garages. However, if the attic is developed, it must be included with full floor space.
More customer testimonials
Dear Biogeta team, dear Mr. Krüger,
Due to very poor sleep and various physical issues, I looked at my girlfriend's apartment with bioresonance in August of this year. I found in the bedroom, but also in the entire living area water veins, grids and grid intersections. As a result, my girlfriend discovered EUCH 🙂 - Strahlenfrei Wohnen - on the Internet.
The Biofeldformer and moving the bed showed after ONLY 5 weeks of retesting that no water vein was resonating anymore. I could find "only" one grid crossing in the entire apartment. With my girlfriend herself, since she has her new companion, some issues have been activated for the time being. I know this from homeopathy.
Meanwhile, your sleep is very restful.
The plants grow gigantically fast and bloom incredibly beautifully and frequently. Overall, a great atmosphere can be felt. Also our cat loves the Biofeldformer, she has new favorite places, but most of all she loves to lie directly at the Biofeldformer 😉
Dear Biogeta team, we are very happy to have found you. According to my philosophy of life:
"Harmony/balance means health", you contribute a lot with your product.
Thank you so much for this!!!
Best regards, stay healthy!!!
Dear Mr. Krüger...
I have the already beautiful Biofeldformer again decorated something... I hope it does not affect the effect 😬... Have added a string of lights with battery compartment!
By the way, it works very well, I can sleep well again!
Thank you for the great invention....
Jasmin Praxmarer

Dear Mr. Krüger,
we got our FM Biofeldformer - set at the beginning of January and set it up in the living room.
During the building biology house survey, a deflection of almost 90 degrees was indicated in the geological fracture in the bedroom with the angle rod.
I was able to reproduce the same thing myself with my angle rod.
After setting up the biofield former, there was no rash in either the living room or the bedroom.
Since I still wanted to see the distribution via the power grid, I unplugged the Biofeldformer. After that, a slight rash was again visible in the bedroom.
After the renewed plugging in was nowhere a rash !
This is a clear measurement for me !
I read a book a long time ago in which an official investigation of sleeping places of citizens who had died of cancer was carried out in German cities. In most cases earth rays were measurable. We have also received the same info from you again.
In the meantime, my wife's and my sleep problems have been significantly reduced, although we have moved back into our bedroom.
My wife has a throbbing feeling only a few days before full and new moon, but it is not identical with the pulse. However, this has also become weaker and weaker recently.
In conclusion, I would just like to say that everyone must decide for themselves whether they want to take the risk of a disturbed sleeping place.
With the Biowaver, the taste of the drinking water is significantly changed and we put one on our Grander - device, we also have one under our water jug and under our bed. Furthermore, we use the trailers and feel well protected.
Thank you very much for your devices, which have brought us a significant improvement.
With kind regards from Salzburg,
Karl Krieger
Hello Mr. Krüger,
The reason for my purchase of the BioFieldformer was the experience of stressful tension in my living spaces, which I felt had increased recently. Actually, I am a good sleeper. But lately I woke up several times almost every night and felt like I was under electric power that I couldn't turn off. Even yoga only helped temporarily.
So I decided to take the step to buy this device, certainly also because there was a possibility to try it out. And it was the first moment after connecting the BioFieldformer to the mains that was the most surprising - the perception of space into which I could relax arose in my immediate experience.
This perception of space has now become the usual state, where we feel we have space to live again. The previously felt thunderous interference frequency can no longer be experienced. I experience the biowafer in a similarly positive way. One is under my bed, another one I use to upgrade my drinking water.
Here, too, initially a very strikingly different experience than before. I developed such a thirst for the water in the first few days, as if it contained nutrients that I absolutely needed. In the meantime, this craving has normalized and tastes good.
I see the experience of space in particular as essential in our day and age. This sets a salutary counterpoint to the constantly sprinkling variety of information and frequencies.
I will continue to listen to what I can consciously perceive and experience. In any case, I experience effectiveness in the direction of relief and balancing.
In this sense, have a nice evening and thank you,
Christine Schwandt
Dear radiation-free-living team,
my name is Mathilde ** .
I was born on 10.11.2020 four days after the calculated date in Berlin. With 52 cm and 3180 grams I was born after 5h in the delivery room with dream measurements naturally and without PDA healthy and cheerful.
My parents say that I am very special. Electrosmog reduction and your biofield shaping have been with me from the beginning ...
Thank you so much for such a great start in life! Without your work I would not exist.
Love greetings
Mathilde and dad Sebastian P.
Dear Mr. Krüger,
Thank you very much for sending us the "Bio Field Former" and the "Bio Wafer".
In the meantime, I have been using the "Biofeldformer" for about a week and feel very comfortable with it.
For some years I have been working and living in a high-rise building and gradually got various health problems due to a high exposure to electricity and radio waves (elevator motor, night storage heating and radio towers in the immediate vicinity).
In addition, there is a considerable geopathic stress which, due to the altitude of my apartment and my naturopathic practice, has a much stronger effect than on the lower floors.
For the current interference suppression, I previously needed 4 devices from another provider to be able to be in the house at all.
Due to the multiple stresses in my home and practice, I developed extremely high blood pressure, which was virtually untreatable with both naturopathic and conventional medications.
I was only able to mitigate the geopathic disturbances somewhat, but unfortunately not eliminate them, since the devices for current interference suppression and the measures against the geopathic stresses interfered with each other or in some cases completely cancelled out the effect of the devices.
Since things were getting so difficult in my living and working situation, and my health was only slightly improving with the measures I was taking, I was increasingly thinking about moving to another house.
In the process, I continued to look for ways to clear interference, also to be able to help my patients who were struggling with similar problems to my own.
When I found your website, I got new hope that I could still find a way to stay in the high-rise building, despite the many stresses and strains of my living and working situation.
As an alternative practitioner, I was able to test the positive effect of the "Biofeldformer" for myself in advance and noticed an improvement in my health situation relatively quickly after the device was put into operation.
I felt relaxed and calm, like I hadn't in a long time.
Meanwhile, my sleep quality is very good again. I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed.
My allergic tendency is clearly receding and my blood pressure values are now almost within the normal range.
After a few days I experienced a slight healing reaction of my skin, as my body is now more able to excrete toxins....
This initial reaction, which is already known to me from the treatment with homeopathy, however, also receded relatively quickly.
In addition, I began to use a homeopathic remedy to drain the radiation stored in the body and now I also use the water energetically processed with the "Bio-Wafer".
I am sure that with your inventions you will be able to help many people in the future to stabilize their health through a good quality of living and life and thus also create a basis to significantly increase the effect of naturopathic treatments.
All the best and warm regards to you and your family,
Simone shield
alternative practitioner, Pirmasens
Dear Mr. Krüger,
I would finally like to thank you for your examination and consultation on January 17 at our clinic in Marburg.
We moved the parents' bed as you recommended. My mother's health has slowly improved since then.
Probably the weakened body still had to cope with the changed energetic situation caused by the Biogeta module first.
In the meantime, her condition has stabilized and the deterioration seems to have stopped for the time being. She is both physically and mentally more active and overall more resilient; although still at a lower level than my father, but still much better than before.
I have the feeling that the treatments with Schüssler salts and Bach flowers can now have their effect on her. Before, they were possibly swallowed whole or in part by the black hole of the intersecting water veins.
We are very happy that she is now relatively well again and hope that it may remain so for quite a long time.
Thank you very much and many greetings,
Angelica Bogusch
Hello Mr. Krüger,
First of all, I would like to thank you very much for the opportunity to test the Biogeta-Home S.
Approximately one hour after activating the Biogeta-Home S, I could no longer detect geopathogenic interference by means of a rod (two angled brass wires) in any of my living rooms (58 sqm), which were previously present in several places. Also, I had to complain about strong disturbances on a wall to the neighboring apartment, with my "Acousticom 2" (electrosmog detector), which have now greatly weakened and are mainly in the "green area".
I have not told my partner about the installation of the device until today, (I was able to put it well camouflaged, in a corner behind a large flower pot). So I could determine the following with her "without placebo effect": Already after two days her "winter depression" was completely gone (from which I also had to suffer from time to time). She was and still is in a much better mood and sings and whistles a little song now and then. Furthermore, on three days she had to deal with strong "evaporation" under the left arm/armpit, so that she washed several times a day and changed blouses more often.
For myself, I have noticed the following: Significantly more energy during sports. Some exercises are much easier for me to do. My mind is clearer and I am calmer and more relaxed overall. Then, on three consecutive days, I had severe pain in my left foot in the evening (almost like a toothache). Whether this has anything to do with her Biogeta-Home S is of course difficult to prove. However, it could well be that a blockage has been released by the biofield harmonization.
In summary, I can say that the test has really paid off, because all the above can not be a coincidence. I was most convinced by my test with rod and E-Smog Detector, which can in no way be a "placebo effect". It is quite clear: your Biogate-Home S works exactly as postulated!
What you have created here is really absolute master class and not "Murks", as some others offer. Once again, many thanks for this Mr. Krüger!
The very best regards,
Ronald Ehlert
P.S.: If you like, feel free to use the above text as "customer feedback", including my full name.
Hello Mr. Krüger,
we have bought a Biogate FM Biofeldformer L on 03.06.2018. We are very satisfied and would like to buy a second device for my sister. I can no longer measure stress with bioresonance.
I am the owner of a Rayonex PS 10 device.
Sincerely yours,
Sandi Hesse
Dear Sebastian,
after you came to our house and plugged in the Biogeta module, I was excited to see the first night.
Otherwise, when I went to bed as usual and I closed my eyes, I saw in my mind's eye many white dots whizzing around ( like in a test picture). In addition, there were many bright colors that "exploded" like fireworks. This always made me very restless and nervous, so that I had difficulty getting to sleep.
This time it was a whole new experience for me ,to close my eyes and have a very relaxed and calming image in front of my eyes.
This image was black to gray with harmonious vibrations and gave me a soothing feeling, which accompanied me until sleep.
Since then, I wake up rested in the morning.
Thank you for your valuable work, as I also know how draining it is for you.
Many love greetings,
Danja Abel
Hello Mr. Krüger,
thank you first of all to you that you send the device of the Biogeta to Mallorca. We have it now for 10 days in use and I myself noticed already after ca.10 min the certain tingling in the fingers.
The next night, my husband and I slept quite restlessly. Meanwhile, everything has settled down and we now get out of bed better in the morning.
Thank you again, I have already recommended you to a patient - here in Mallorca - who will certainly contact you in the near future.
Many greetings from Mallorca,
Petra Knöpfle
Good morning, dear Mr. Krüger,
the Biofeldformer test module was great!
I had no doubts about the effect. Nevertheless, I was surprised how quickly it occurred. Already in the first hour after start-up, I felt clear tingling in the body, but it was not unpleasant.
During the night it became stronger, so that I did not sleep very well due to the otherwise unusual emotions. From the second night on, it became noticeably better and my sleep also became deeper - that's exactly how I knew it as a child.
Thank you for bringing back my childhood sleep!
I would like to purchase more products from you to keep my health and energy levels growing, so I will be visiting your website a lot in the near future 🙂 I will never give away the Biogeta again!
Please keep up the good work and I hope many more will follow in your footsteps or similar ones, helping people to find peace, tranquility and above all health,
All the best to you and your clan and warm greetings from Berlin.
in great gratitude,
Your S.
Good morning Sebastian,
Your website appealed to me from the beginning, and as it is when you listen to your intuition, so my decision was made for the FM Biofeldformer.
I already got the set yesterday, It was so fast with the delivery, thank you very much.
I find the device beautifully noble, this quite apart from the function it will develop with me. It is since yesterday 18.00 clock in "action" with me.
My cat quickly noticed that something was different. Her facial expressions were unusual. The looked around with big eyes, as if disturbed, she did not stay on my bed tonight, for me a sign that the negatively charged energy that cats like to seek already felt different on my bed....
I expect exciting experiences in the coming weeks and will certainly report further.😊
One more thing: I got the idea to test the shipment I received yesterday with the pendulum.
Wow...what a super energy was indicated by my pendulum. Incredible!
Many greetings from near Freiburg
And thanks again
Hello dear team from strahlenfrei-wohnen.
Yes of course I agree, if you pass on the good, healing effect of 'Biogeta'.
We (my partner and I) have it now since 02.10.2020 in the socket. Since then, our alternative practitioner can not measure any loads that were measurable by geological stress or e-smog or water veins.
We sleep much more relaxed and have hardly any wake-up phases.
It has calming effect on us in everyday life, more later.
Love greetings,
Ute Puschkat and Burkhard Kroll.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am thrilled with your products. First I ordered the Biofeldformer (XL), then the complete rest of your range.
I am at a loss for words, I would not have believed that such a thing was possible.
In the meantime, I have ordered another chain for my husband and our youngest daughter, as well as a Biofeldformer Water for our camper.
Of course, I have also recommended you to others, including my alternative practitioner, whom I should keep informed about your products and the effect.
Since I have your products, I no longer need my healer 😉
Thank you very much and best regards,
Juliane shrub
Dear Mr. Krüger,
Thank you very much for the prompt sending of the Biofeldformer. I was very excited about the effect. Since we can also commute a little, I checked immediately after unpacking and plugging in the function.
I could no longer detect any interference.
It has been in operation for a week now and we can already see the positive effect. Most of the devices had no effect after a few days. We enjoy this device and hope that it will continue.
Thank you again and kind regards,
Fritz and Käthi H.
Hello, Mr. Krüger!
First of all, I would like to tell you that since the start-up of the Biofeldformer I sleep super deep and wake up completely refreshed early in the morning. Super!!!
In addition, our water is now really noticeably soft thanks to the Biogate Water module. I notice this especially when brushing my teeth and on my skin. Great!!! Thank you for coming!
Kind regards from Neustadt,
Dagmar Kunz
Dear Mr. Krüger,
I would like to use the occasion of the further development of your Biofeldformer to express our thanks and confidence in you.
In September last year, I ordered the size M Biofeldformer from you for my daughter. She and her partner had been trying unsuccessfully to have a child since July 2018. Since she lives in the city of Dresden in a 17-family house and I am well aware of the problems of e-smog and radiation exposure, I decided to give her this device.
What can I say, since the turn of the year she is now pregnant and we are all very excited about the baby in September!
She was able to cancel the appointment at the fertility clinic in time!
Many warm greetings from Dresden,
Kathrin Bischoff
Hello Mr. Krüger,
I am happy to send you my positive feedback.
I moved to Pfinztal in March 2015. After a short time, my chronic migraine had worsened - from 1 attack per month to 3- 4 attacks per month.
At first I suspected that the move from Lake Constance to Pfinztal was emotionally stressful. It is not so easy to pull down all the tents after 26 years and start anew. Homeopathy and acupuncture brought me only a slight improvement.
In addition, I had a constant "mud bulb" and I suspected that something "UNGUT" was forming.
My girlfriend suddenly felt the need to buy a living room harmonizer, which seemed very suspicious to me. So I started to research and landed on your homepage. While working in my naturopathic practice, I have always been able to "measure" stresses caused by geopathology and ESmog and know their influence on human health.
The info on your homepage is very detailed and easy to understand. I immediately ordered a living space analysis.
Their measurement then showed that I had slept in the head area on a curry grid intersection. Now I have since 2 months the Biogeta L and am totally pleased that I had a MEGA attack after a short time (first worsening??) - but now I am free of migraine attacks for two months!!!
Yay ... and I expect it to stay that way. Also the feeling of the "mud bulb" is gone.
Keep researching ... mankind needs such innovative products!
Dipl.Ing. Michaela Waigel
Hello Sebastian,
here is a report from my naturopathic practice in Cologne (www.resonanz-energie.de). I had a family of 3 in treatment in the summer of 2017. The child slept badly, had nightmares and infections). All three also showed strong stress from electro-smog (both house electricity and WLAN and mobile radio).
I conducted a complete building biology investigation in their family home as well as in the large office of the father of the family (other part of the city) in Cologne. The result was that there was an enormous exposure at home due to a cell phone mast only 50 m away with direct radiation on the parents' bedroom, children's room and living/dining area.
Geological anomalies (water veins, grid lines) were also clearly measurable. The father of the family was also exposed to relatively high levels of WLAN and DECT in the company office, since he spends 8-12 hours there. In addition to the treatment of the three family members in my practice by bioresonance and other methods, shielding measures were taken in the residential house against the radio radiation from the transmission mast and WLAN and DECT were consistently switched off when not in use.
Some technical measures were also carried out on the house power system. A residual load was nevertheless clearly measurable, as the loads were very high.
In addition, therefore, 2 Biofeldformers (S and L) were placed in the residential building and one Biofeldformer L was placed in a central location in the company office.
With this I achieved an almost complete harmonization of the persons and most of the symptoms disappeared.
In addition, the father of the family is no longer exposed to e-smog and geopathy via bioresonance!
From my point of view, the Biofeldformers work absolutely reliably and have convinced me!!!
Thanks for your competent support in the case.
Klaus-Peter Zeyen
alternative practitioner and building biology measurement technician (PSA), Cologne
Dear Mr. Krüger,
thank you for the FM bio field former and for the bio wafer.
I use the Bio-Wafer to energize water and must say that I only want to drink the energized water. Also at work I always have the Bio-Wafer in my pocket and feel much better with it than without. I also like the Biofeldformer very much, I no longer give away J.
I can now sit at the computer without my head beaming.
And I sleep very well now because of the Biofeldformer and wake up very relaxed. Also my face is not as swollen in the morning as it used to be and I have noticed that my breathing has become much more natural. Also, when I walk in from outside, I immediately feel this harmonious energy field.
I grew up in the country and since I live in a small town, the electrosmog is a huge problem for me. I am very happy that I now have the Biofeldformer. It gives me back a piece of quality of life. The only thing I regret is that I did not buy the Biofeldformer much earlier. It is definitely worth the money and I will recommend their products to others.
Of course, it would be fine with me if they publish my feedback on their site.
I have tried many things against electrosmog and their products really help me the best. And since I have long had in mind to buy something to energize water, I am sure that I will not go wrong with their Biogate Water module. If you want to be healthy, you have to drink healthy water. But I will order the water module only when I'm back from vacation.
Oh, by the way, I've noticed that I cope better with the heat with the Bio-Wafer. When I put it away at work, my concentration got much worse and I became downright limp, when I put the bio-wafer back in my pocket, it immediately got much better. I've also been watching my colleagues moan and groan in the heat for the last few days, but I just feel great despite the heat.
Then I'm looking forward to trying out their water module, I'm sure it won't take me three months to decide.
Sincerely yours,
Viktor Stoll
Hello Mr. Krüger!
We are all more relaxed/rested since the harmonization.
Since then, our daughter sleeps through the night and is no longer so cold. When she sleeps in our bed, she stays straight and the best: the daily tantrums (at least 30 min long), are a thing of the past.
My husband no longer snores so loudly and digestion has improved.
I am more rested, more vital, my right hip no longer pinches and my good digestion has also improved.
Many love greetings,
Ulrike Hoffstedde
Hello Mr. Krüger,
since harmonization all family members sleep deeper, calmer, better and feel much more relaxed and rested.
My girlfriend's husband and son were unaware of the Biogeta module installation and both noticed the change and expressed it without being asked. Super!!!!
Thank you very much and best regards from Cologne,
Iris Nauer
Dear Mr. Krüger,
we are blasted 🙂
Thank you for sending us the device for interference suppression to get to know. Today we were at our alternative practitioner and all three of us had no more interference from electrosmog, electric fields or water veins.
We had also taken the device for bio-resonance analysis. Then, when I came home, I noticed that I got a headache without the suppressor.
Conversely, this was also the first tangible effect when they first went....
Thanks for the great invention!
Warm regards,
Eva Leonhardt
Dear Mr. Krüger,
Thank you for allowing me to test your Biofeldformer Home M and also the wafer. I myself am a building biologist PSA and of course have the Duplex at home along with some rayonators.
I have studied physics and therefore I am also familiar with the physical principles. It was important for me to know whether your devices work and I can therefore recommend them to my customers (which I now gladly do).
Their Biogate has a very nice design and is not as big and flashy as the Duplex, which some customers complained about.
I wish you continued joy and all the best in their work.
I think building biologists do a good job these days, especially when it comes to e-smog. Times are not getting better (but obviously the devices are).
With kind regards
Jutta Eggermann
Hello Mr. Krüger, experience!
the first four days with the Biofeldformer, my husband and I slept a little more restlessly and less! But then our sleep normalized to sleeping through the night and waking up refreshed.
In recent years, my husband had to interrupt his sleep and urinate three times every night - even four times during heavy rain. This has improved considerably.
After we had the Biofeldformer in use, a bioresonance test was performed on my husband. The doctor's statement: She rarely sees such a good test and only has to write such a short protocol. No geopathic interference fields could be detected!
For myself, the bioresonance test before using the biofield former indicated geopathic stress. - Well, my husband and I sleep in one bed!
We and also our dog seem a little more relaxed. Possibly it is a side effect: My man's hair has become darker again and my scalp has improved.
Have had skin problems for about a year, as metals can still be detected in my body.
We are very glad and happy to have found your site and also to be able to help our son with it, who lives in an old farmhouse and has been constantly sick ever since.
Many love greetings,
G. & R. A.
Hello, Mr. Krüger!
First of all, I would like to tell you that since the start-up of the Biofeldformer I sleep super deep and wake up completely refreshed early in the morning. Super!!!
In addition, our water is now really noticeably soft thanks to the Biogate Water module. I notice this especially when brushing my teeth and on my skin. Great!!!
Thank you for coming!
Kind regards from Neustadt,
Dagmar Kunz
Do you have any other questions?
Give us a call (+49(0) 2983 8929970) or send us an Mail.
Alternatively, you can use the following link to make a personal consultation appointment. Simply choose a date that suits you and we will call you on time:
BIOGETA® FM Biofield Shaper Set:
Many years of practical experience in building biology have shown that the best results are achieved when not only a harmonization module is used, but also when existing technical stress is minimized as much as possible. Furthermore, it has been shown that in many cases it is advantageous to stabilize the body's energy system with an extra portion of energy and to protect the body from high-frequency radiation while on the move. That is why the BIOGETA® FM Biofeldformer "Do It Yourself" set consists of:
BIOGETA® FM Biofield Shaper Home
The BIOGETA® FM Biofeldformer Home builds up a balancing and harmonious oscillating field via the electric circuit, and manages to measurably disrupt geological interference zones such as water veins, faults and global grid intersection points, in the entire home and effectively balances stresses caused by electrosmog and high-frequency fields. Regular single price: 790,-€ - 1390,-€
BIOGETA® organic wafers
The Bio-Wafer builds up a highly vibrating dextrorotatory field and is suitable both as a stand-alone harmonizer of a sleeping area or a horse stall, for selective amplification of an FM Biofeldformer module, or as an energy booster for the workplace, at seminars, under the bed, in the car or at school. Also very good to use at home to energize water, juices, fruits and vegetables or baby food. Regular single price: 85,-€
BIOGETA® Balance Thymus Gland Pendant
Effective protection against electrosmog and radio pollution on the go. Through the balance thymus pendant, the body is protected among other things in the frequency values of pulse-modulated high-frequency radiation (eg WLAN, Bluetooth, 5G, LTE) and balanced in the corresponding polarities. In addition, loads from geopathic interference zones are balanced in the body and the body's own energy production is stimulated. The pendant has a calming and balancing effect and stabilizes the energy system. Regular single price: 65,-€
BIOGETA® Balance Chip
Chip to compensate for electromagnetic pollution on smart phone, tablet, laptop, baby monitor, gaming console, DECT cordless phone. Regular single price: 45,-€
Electrosmog instant help book 70 pages printed
90-seitiges book with compressed building-biological specialized knowledge from over 1200 sleep place analyses with conversion Workshop like you even electrical smog and radio pollution with simple means to minimize can, and on which you should absolutely pay attention thereby. Regular single price: 19,-€
Electrosmog Instant Help Video Course
In this more than 3 hour long video course you will learn in over 70 practical videos how you can recognize, minimize, shield or compensate for electrosmog and radio pollution yourself, without having to call in an expensive building biologist or study electrical engineering. Building biology knowledge explained simply and understandably for the layman. With many videos from the building biology practice everyday life during the house analyses taken. Regular single price: 297,-€This is how the BIOGETA® FM Biofeldformer helps you sleep better again:

A BIOGETA® FM Biofeldformer effectively balances out stresses caused by electrosmog and earth radiation and promotes your body's self-healing powers.

On all BIOGETA® products we grant a return policy of 3 months. That is, if you are not satisfied, you will receive a full refund!
Your advantages:
- better sleep
- better health
- a healthy family
- more relaxed children
- Children who sleep through
- Healthier animals
- more energy
- better nutrient uptake
- stronger immune system
- Higher performance
- younger look
- more power during sports
- higher concentration ability
- strengthened self-healing powers
- More vitality
- Increased fertility
One module for the whole apartment / house!

Size S: up to 70sqm living space Size M: up to 150sqm living space Size L: up to 250sqm living space Size XL: up to 400sqm living space Larger properties on request.
Important Notice:
When calculating the correct size, the counter circle is important. That is, everything that hangs in the meter circle must be counted. Garages, basements, converted attics, etc. that are billed via the power meter must be taken into account when calculating the area. If the value is exactly between two sizes of the biofield former, it is recommended to take the larger one. In the case of objects with an area of more than 400 square meters, several modules are usually combined with one wire and fed into the object at locations as far away from each other as possible. We (my partner and I) have now had the FM Biofeldformer in the socket since 02/10/2020. Since then, our alternative practitioner cannot measure any stress that was measurable by geological stress or e-smog or water veins. We sleep much more relaxed and have hardly any wake-up phases. It has a calming effect on us in everyday life. Love greetings, Ute Puschkat and Burkhard Kroll.The functions of the FM biofield former:
Compensation of electrosmog
Exposure to 50Hz house current (electric as well as magnetic alternating fields) and 16Hz railroad current (e.g. due to a railroad line near the house) is effectively compensated.Microwave compensation
Compensation of all radio transmitters surrounding us (WLAN, DECT cordless phone, LTE, 5G, GSM mobile radio, baby monitors, smart meters, satellite radio, radar, etc.).Compensation of earth rays
An FM biofield shaper manages to measurably* balance out water veins as well as faults and disturbances in the global grid system.Minimization of fine dust
By changing the air ionization to a ratio of up to 4 minus to 1 plus ION, less dust is bound in the air and the air becomes clearer and cleaner. *The effect of the FM Biofeldformer can be measured with a bioresonance device as part of a building biology resonance test. In other words, as soon as an FM Biofeldformer of the right size is installed, no more geopathic interference zones can be detected in the entire house (electrical circuit) with a resonance test.The principle of action
In contrast to other systems, which work similarly, but only "reprogram" the organism, the FM Biofeldformer Home provides the frequencies of all geopathic stresses (water veins, faults, global grids), as well as the entire electrosmog in both polarities in the room, so that the organism, in case of stress, can pull the disturbed or missing polarity out of the room and thus regulate it.
The basis is the active principle of bioresonance therapy.
The great advantage of this is that even stresses that you catch, for example, at work or away from home, are balanced again at night during sleep. In addition, important frequency values for balancing the energy system and the chakras, as well as the reduction of mental and emotional stress are included. Due to the law of resonance, in case of stress, the body draws only what it needs at the moment.
Through the FM Biofeldformer Home module, balancing frequencies are offered to your body, but not imposed.
This creates a very gentle regulation!
In addition to the biophysical frequencies, many other harmonizing affirmations are integrated into the system and provide a harmonically balancing oscillation field. Also an interfering frequency to that of earth radiation - which is also the basis of the Bio-Wafers successfully used in practice for several years. Thus, the FM Biofeldformer Home Module is the only system known to us, which is able to eliminate via the circuit all geopathic interference zones in the house -. measurable (e.g. by means of a resonance test) - and to compensate for the damaging effect of the electrosmog, or at least to greatly weaken it.
Other systems working partly similarly balance the body on a disturbance zone, or virtually reprogram it so that it does not react to the disturbance. However, this cannot be measured, but must be believed. In the case of the BIOGETA® FM Biofeldformer system, not even a single frequency value of a geopathic disturbance can be detected, even with a modern bioresonance device, once the module has been installed - provided that the correct size of the device has been selected.
Those who know a bit of commuting will also notice that the Bovis level in the house increases significantly, the current suddenly turns right and the air ionization changes. Some customers speak of a pleasant tingling sensation going up their spine as soon as the system starts working. Others of suddenly fresher air in the rooms and better room acoustics.
By using the BIOGETA® FM Biofeldformer module, the ion ratio in the room air changes. For our well-being we need an increased negative ionization. Approximately in the ratio 1 plus to 4 minus. We often find such a ratio at brooks and lakes. That is why we feel very comfortable there. Electrosmog and earth radiation change the ratio to our disadvantage. It is not uncommon to find an ion ratio of 1 minus to 4 plus in our home. So exactly the wrong way around. The positively charged ions then bind matter, among other things, which leads to increased fine dust as well as dust deposits. You can often see this when the sun shines through the window during the day and the dust particles dance in the air.
If the ionic ratio is changed by an FM Biofeldformer module, not as much dust is bound. For example, one customer reported that her air purifier with auto-detector switched on less and less often, and finally not at all, after an FM Biofeldformer Home Module was put into operation. A very nice example of the functionality of BIOGETA® FM Biofeldformers.
A BIOGETA® FM Biofield Shaper creates a free space and has a harmonizing and balancing effect. In addition, a stable energy field is built up and the body is thus given the opportunity to regenerate and heal itself.
A BIOGETA® FM BIOFIELDFORMER works on four levels:
1. at frequency level by interference cancellation of the high carrier frequency of earth radiation 2. at the regulatory level by balancing the polarities in the important regulatory frequencies 3. at the information level Through non-directive affirmations and facilitative intentions (space/object). 4. at the bioenergetic level by raising the basic energy and balancing negative Bovis values
An interesting side effect of the system can be observed in the behavior of the animals. Dogs usually react directly and very relaxed to the suddenly changed vibration field, because they are - like us humans - radiation fugitives. Also horses, cows, chickens and pigs (a FM Biofeldformer can also be used very well for harmonizing animal stables). Cats, as "radiation seekers", are sometimes a little irritated at first, but usually also get used to the new field very quickly.
An FM Biofeldformer is the only system known and tested to us, which is able to harmonize a curry grid crossing point via the electric circuit! Similar working systems partly increase the Bovis value of such a - always very energy taking - point, but often do not manage to raise it to a positive value. To really "defuse" a curry point in a sustainable way, one must raise it to at least 8500 Bovis. Otherwise, it will continue to draw energy from many people. For an explanation, read the blog post: The curry point - what is it and why is it so dangerous?
The biofield shaper and moving the bed showed after ONLY 5 weeks of retesting that no more water veins were resonating. The plants grow gigantically fast and bloom incredibly beautifully and frequently. Overall, a great atmosphere can be felt. Our cat also loves the Biofeldformer, she has new favorite places, but most of all she loves to lie directly by the Biofeldformer ;-). Dear Biogeta team, we are very happy to have found you. According to my philosophy of life: "Harmony/balance means health", you contribute a lot with your product. Thank you so much for this!!! Best regards, stay healthy!!! Heidelinde & Miriam In September last year I ordered from you for my daughter the size M Biofeldformer. She and her partner tried unsuccessfully to have a child since July 2018. Since she lives in the city of Dresden in a 17-family house and I am well aware of the problems of e-smog and radiation exposure, I decided to give her this device. What can I say, since the turn of the year she is now pregnant and we are all very excited about the baby in September! She was able to cancel the appointment at the fertility clinic in time! Many warm greetings from Dresden, Kathrin BischoffQuestions & Answers
What does biofield shaping mean? Biofield shaping is basically a pure harmonization of the organism. In other words, as a rule, nothing is changed in the interference zone, but the body is provided with corresponding balancing frequencies. Bioresonance provides the basis for understanding this type of spatial harmonization. Back in the early 1970s, Paul Schmidt recognized and scientifically described that everything around us, and above all within us, vibrates at very specific frequencies. Each frequency has both polarities, i.e. plus and minus. If there is an imbalance in one of the frequency values, i.e. a shift in polarity, disharmony arises and later usually illness. For example, if a person spends time in an irritation zone - e.g. caused by a water vein - the polarity shifts on one or more specific frequencies and the body is weakened. If you know the corresponding frequency values, you can make them available to the body in the room with the help of special resonators or as pure information. The best-known biofield formers are supplied by the company Rayonex, whose founder was Paul Schmidt himself. The approach of the Duplex series is to make the full frequency spectrum of geopathic interference zones available in both polarities in the room. Due to the law of resonance, the body only uses what it needs. In other words, if there is a deficit of a plus polarity in a certain frequency, it is supplied directly or can make use of it. With FM biofield shaping, BIOGETA® FM biofield shapers even manage to balance the body's polarities - in the case of earth radiation and electrosmog pollution - as well as to measurably eliminate the spectrum of geopathic interference zones. What distinguishes a Biofeldformer from other systems? In addition to the specific regulatory level of the FM Biofeldformer, the main focus in the development of the Mudule was on the energy factor. What is the point of a system that instructs the body to perceive certain radiation fields differently, or even a system that manages to counteract an interference zone with individually adaptable counter-vibrations, if the energy value, which can be very well defined by the Bovis value, remains in a range that vibrates lower than the human body? Due to the law of negative entropy, humans lose vital energy in such fields. In other words, regardless of the harmful radiation spectrum, the energy value of the space must be raised to at least a neutral value, as otherwise important regulatory processes in the body can no longer take place. ... Does the FM Biofeldformer work if a mains isolation switch has been installed? If a mains isolator or mains decoupler is active, the Biofeldformer should not be plugged into the disconnected bedroom. In such cases, a bio-wafer or bio-field repeater is a very good addition. This would then ensure that the interference zones are eliminated locally under the respective beds, while the FM Biofeldformer provides compensation at a central location during the day. However, some of the equalizing frequencies also reach the sleeping areas despite the mains decoupler. This is through cables in the neighboring rooms or in the rooms below. In some cases, this is even sufficient to completely cancel out the interference zones during the night, even without bio-wafers. How much electricity does an FM Biofeldformer consume? The modules consume nothing. The silicon core vibrates the information through a membrane to a conductor and thus to the house current. The energy required by the module is the natural oscillation property of the crystalline core. It is virtually free energy, because it ensures the oscillation of the core. Basically, every crystal - including silicon - vibrates due to free cosmic energy. Can the effect of the biofield former diminish over time? There are basically two ways to build such modules. The first option - without going into detail - would be to store certain information on a carrier, in this case the silicon core of the module, and then release it to the environment. The second possibility is to simply install an instruction on the core, according to which a certain field is generated again and again. This is comparable to a vector path, in which start and end points are defined and the distance between them is constantly rebuilt. This means that vectors can be scaled as required without losing quality, whereas a bitmap, for example, consists of pixel points that quickly become blurred when enlarged. In comparison with FM biofield formers, these are structured like a vector. This means that as long as the core can oscillate, a constant field will always be created without losing quality. If you ever have the feeling that the power has diminished, unplug the module and walk around your home for a few minutes. This will allow the core to resonate and release the full frequency spectrum again. However, by using the mains decoupler that matches the modules, this is no longer necessary and the module remains permanently in oscillation. What is a Biofeldformer made of? The basis of the modules is silicon. It is more or less a microchip with a small rasp. Silicon has a crystalline structure and is able to store the finest information and instructions and implement them accordingly. This is why silicon is used in the computer industry and why, for example, quartz crystals are used as clocks in watches. The advantage of a silicon crystal is its oscillation property. It is therefore the perfect transmitter to vibrate the regulatory information onto the circuit. Can a larger module be used for a smaller apartment? One question that is asked very frequently concerns the thickness of the modules. It is important to understand that the recommended size of the modules depends on the size distribution of the circuit and the resistors in it (branches, fuses, etc.). It is not the case that a larger module produces "more energy", but has more volume and oscillates more strongly. However, it is the same information structure. The aim is to delete the existing interference zones by means of interference, to balance the body's polarities and to raise "negative" Bovis values to the ambient level. It is therefore possible to use a size L module in a small apartment without any problems. If in doubt, we always recommend using the larger module instead of the smaller one. How long does it take for the stresses to measurably disappear? As a rule, it is often the case that at the latest 4 weeks after a Biogate module has been put into operation, there is no longer any exposure to water veins, earth faults, LF electrosmog or HF electrosmog in the body. However, this does not necessarily mean that all symptoms that have arisen up to that point have disappeared immediately. This usually takes a little longer. The FM Biofeldformer balances the polarities and "negative" vibration ranges so that we no longer lose energy, our cells do not depolarize and the vegetative nervous system is balanced. The new series of modules works very gently, so that you will probably only realize after a few days that you would like to stay in bed longer and find peace and quiet overall. In the first few days, you may even feel a little restless, as the body often has to get used to the changed vibration field. I live in an apartment building. Do I make the rest of the house happy with it? Yes and no! The main efficiency of an FM Biofeldformer lies within the meter circuit of the corresponding apartment. Experience has shown that the meter is too great a resistance for the information to be transmitted across it to the rest of the house current. However, if you have direct neighbors, they may also be able to benefit from your compensating oscillation field through the cables laid in your walls. The same applies to apartments above. However, you cannot expect the same effect as if the module is active directly within the apartment circuit. Where should the biofield shaper be plugged in? Basically, it does not matter where the module is plugged in, as the regulation information is modulated onto the 50Hz of the house current and is therefore distributed throughout the house / apartment. Experience has shown that the best results are achieved when the module is plugged in on the same floor as the bedroom or living room. We recommend plugging it directly into a free wall socket and only in an emergency into a multiple socket. How to calculate the size of the biofield former In order to calculate the correct size, it is important to understand how the biofield shaper works. It modulates a packet of information onto the 50Hz of the power grid and thus distributes itself throughout the house - or within the meter circuit. This means that not only the inhabited rooms, but also other rooms where wires are installed must be added to the area. E.g. basement rooms, garages, carports and/or the attic. For the latter, it is usually sufficient to calculate 1/3 of the total area of the attic, because usually only one pipe goes up there. The same is true for most garages. However, if the attic is developed, it must be included with full floor space.More customer testimonials
5/5 Dear Biogeta team, dear Mr. Krüger, Due to very poor sleep and various physical issues, I looked at my girlfriend's apartment with bioresonance in August of this year. I found water veins, grids and grid crossings in the bedroom, but also in the entire living area. My girlfriend then discovered YOU 🙂 - Strahlenfrei Wohnen - on the Internet. After ONLY 5 weeks of retesting, the Biofeldformer and moving the bed showed that there were no more water veins resonating. I could find "only" one single grid crossing in the entire apartment. Since my girlfriend has had her new companion, some issues have been activated. I know this from homeopathy. Her sleep is now very restful. The plants are growing incredibly fast and are flowering beautifully and frequently. There is a great atmosphere overall. Our cat also loves the Biofeldformer, she has new favorite spots, but her favorite spot is right next to the Biofeldformer 😉 Dear Biogeta team, we are very happy to have found you. Completely in line with my philosophy of life: "Harmony/balance means health", you contribute a lot to this with your product. Thank you very much for that!!! Best wishes, stay healthy!!! Heidelinde & Miriam Miriam Boos-CyppelHealing practitionerTraditional chin. Medicineand scar removalMunich www.tcm-harmonie.de 5/5Dear Mr. Krüger...
I have the already beautiful Biofeldformer again decorated something... I hope it does not affect the effect 😬... Have added a string of lights with battery compartment!
By the way, it works very well, I can sleep well again!Thank you for the great invention....
Jasmin Praxmarer
Hello Mr. Krüger,
The reason for my purchase of the BioFieldformer was the experience of stressful tension in my living spaces, which I felt had increased recently. Actually, I am a good sleeper. But lately I woke up several times almost every night and felt like I was under electric power that I couldn't turn off. Even yoga only helped temporarily.
So I decided to take the step to buy this device, certainly also because there was a possibility to try it out. And it was the first moment after connecting the BioFieldformer to the mains that was the most surprising - the perception of space into which I could relax arose in my immediate experience.
This perception of space has now become the usual state, where we feel we have space to live again. The previously felt thunderous interference frequency can no longer be experienced. I experience the biowafer in a similarly positive way. One is under my bed, another one I use to upgrade my drinking water.
Here, too, initially a very strikingly different experience than before. I developed such a thirst for the water in the first few days, as if it contained nutrients that I absolutely needed. In the meantime, this craving has normalized and tastes good.
I see the experience of space in particular as essential in our day and age. This sets a salutary counterpoint to the constantly sprinkling variety of information and frequencies.
I will continue to listen to what I can consciously perceive and experience. In any case, I experience effectiveness in the direction of relief and balancing.
In this sense, have a nice evening and thank you,
Christine Schwandt
5/5 Dear radiation-free living team, my name is Mathilde ** . I was born on 10.11.2020 four days after my due date in Berlin. At 52 cm and 3180 grams, I was born naturally and without an epidural after 5 hours in the delivery room with dream measurements. My parents say that I am something very special. Electrosmog reduction and your biofield shaping were there right from the start ... Thank you so much for such a great start in life! I wouldn't exist without your work. Kind regards Mathilde and dad Sebastian P. 5/5 Dear Mr. Krüger, Thank you very much for sending us the "Biofeldformer" and the "Bio-Wafers". I have now been using the "Biofeldformer" for about a week and feel very comfortable with it. I have been working and living in a high-rise building for several years and have gradually developed various health problems due to high levels of electricity and radio pollution (elevator motor, night storage heating and radio towers in the immediate vicinity) In addition, there is considerable geopathic stress, which has a much greater effect than on the lower floors due to the height of my apartment and my naturopathic practice. I previously needed 4 devices from another provider to be able to stay in the house at all. Due to the various stresses in my home and practice, I developed extremely high blood pressure, which was virtually untreatable with both naturopathic and conventional medication. I was only able to alleviate the geopathic disturbances somewhat, but unfortunately not eliminate them, as the devices for current interference suppression and the measures against geopathic stress interfered with each other or in some cases completely canceled out the effect of the devices. As things were so difficult in my living and working situation and my state of health was only slightly improved by the measures I had taken, I thought more and more about moving to another house. At the same time, I continued to look for ways to de-stress, also to be able to help my patients who were struggling with similar problems to my own. When I found your website, I regained hope that I could still find a way to stay in the tower block, despite the many stresses and strains of my living and working situation. As an alternative practitioner, I was able to test the positive effect of the "Biofeldformer" for myself in advance and noticed an improvement in my health situation relatively quickly after using the device. I felt more relaxed and calm than I had for a long time. The quality of my sleep is now very good again. I sleep deeply and wake up feeling refreshed. My allergies are clearly reduced and my blood pressure values are now almost in the normal range. After a few days, my skin began to heal slightly, as my body is now increasingly able to eliminate toxins. This initial reaction, which I am already familiar with from the homeopathic treatment, disappeared again relatively quickly. In addition, I began to use a homeopathic remedy to remove the radiation pollution stored in the body and now also use the water that has been energetically treated with the "Bio-Wafer". I am sure that with your inventions you will be able to help many people in the future to stabilize their health through a good quality of living and thus also create a basis for significantly increasing the effect of naturopathic treatments. All the best to you and your family and best wishes,Simone shield
alternative practitioner, Pirmasens 5/5 Dear Mr. Krüger, I would finally like to thank you for your examination and consultation on January 17 in Marburg. We have changed my parents' bed as you recommended. My mother's health has slowly improved since then. Probably her weakened body first had to cope with the changed energy situation caused by the Biogeta module. In the meantime, her condition has stabilized and the degradation seems to have stopped for the time being. She is both physically and mentally more active and generally more resilient; although still at a lower level than my father, but still much better than before. I have the feeling that the treatments with Schüssler salts and Bach flowers are now also having an effect on her. Before, they may have been completely or partially swallowed up by the black hole of intersecting water veins. We are very happy that she is now relatively well again and hope that it stays that way for a long time. Many thanks and best wishes,Angelica Bogusch
Marburg 5/5 Hello Mr. Krüger, First of all, I would like to thank you very much for the opportunity to test the Biogeta-Home S. Approximately one hour after activating the Biogeta-Home S, I could no longer detect any geopathogenic interference using a rod (two angled brass wires) in any of my living rooms (58 square meters), which was previously present in several places. I also had to complain about strong interference with my "Acousticom 2" (electrosmog detector) on a wall to the neighboring apartment, which has now greatly weakened and is predominantly in the "green area". I still haven't told my partner about the installation of the device (I was able to place it well camouflaged in a corner behind a large flower pot). I was able to notice the following in her "without a placebo effect": After just two days, her "winter depression" had completely disappeared (which I also had to suffer from from time to time). She was and still is in a much better mood and occasionally sings and whistles a little song. Furthermore, on three days she had to deal with strong "exhalations" under her left arm/armpit, so that she washed herself several times a day and changed her blouse more often. I noticed the following in myself: Significantly more energy during sport. Some exercises are much easier for me. I am clearer in my head and generally calmer and more relaxed. Then, on three consecutive days, I had severe pain in my left foot in the evening (almost like a toothache). Whether this has anything to do with her Biogeta-Home S is of course difficult to prove. However, it could well be that the biofield harmonization has released a blockage. To summarize, I can say that the test really paid off, because all of the above cannot be a coincidence. I was most convinced by my test with the rod and E-Smog Detector, which can in no way be a "placebo effect". It is quite clear: your Biogate-Home S works exactly as postulated! What you have created here is really absolute master class and not "Murks", as some others offer. Once again, many thanks for this Mr. Krüger! The very best regards,Ronald Ehlert
P.S.: If you like, feel free to use the above text as "customer feedback", including my full name. 5/5 Hello Mr. Krüger, We purchased a Biogate FM Biofeldformer L on 03.06.2018. We are very satisfied and would like to buy a second device for my sister. I can no longer measure stress with bioresonance. I am the owner of a Rayonex PS 10 device. Yours sincerely, Sandi Hesse 5/5 Dear Sebastian, After you visited us and plugged in the Biogeta module, I was looking forward to the first night. When I went to bed as usual and closed my eyes, I saw a lot of white dots swirling around in my mind's eye (like a test picture). In addition, there were many bright colors that "exploded" like fireworks. This always made me very restless and nervous, making it difficult for me to get to sleep. This time it was a completely new experience for me to close my eyes and have a completely relaxed and calming image in front of me. This image was black to gray with harmonious vibrations and gave me a calming feeling that accompanied me to sleep. Since then, I wake up feeling rested in the morning. Thank you for your valuable work, as I also know how exhausting it is for you. Best regards,Danja Abel
5/5 Hello Mr. Krüger, Many thanks to you for sending the Biogeta device to Mallorca. We have been using it for 10 days now and I noticed a certain tingling sensation in my fingers after about 10 minutes. The next night my husband and I slept rather restlessly at first, but in the meantime everything has calmed down and we get out of bed better in the morning. Thank you again, I have already recommended you to a patient - here in Mallorca - who will certainly contact you in the near future. Many greetings from Mallorca, Petra Knöpfle 5/5 Good morning, Mr. Krüger, The Biofeldformer test module was great! I had no doubts about the effect. Nevertheless, I was surprised at how quickly it took effect. Within the first hour of using it, I felt a clear tingling sensation in my body, but it wasn't unpleasant. It then became stronger during the night, so that I did not sleep particularly well due to the otherwise unusual emotions. From the second night onwards it got noticeably better and my sleep also became deeper - just as I knew it as a child. Thank you for bringing back my childhood sleep! I would love to buy more products from you to keep my health and energy levels growing, so I will be spending a lot of time on your website in the near future 🙂 I will never give the Biogeta away again! Please keep up the good work and I hope that many others will follow in your or similar footsteps, helping people to find peace, tranquillity and, above all, health, All the best to you and your family and best wishes from Berlin. With great gratitude, Your S. 5/5Good morning Sebastian,
Your website appealed to me from the beginning, and as it is when you listen to your intuition, so my decision was made for the FM Biofeldformer.
I already got the set yesterday, It was so fast with the delivery, thank you very much.
I find the device beautifully noble, this quite apart from the function it will develop with me. It is since yesterday 18.00 clock in "action" with me.
My cat quickly noticed that something was different. Her facial expressions were unusual. The looked around with big eyes, as if disturbed, she did not stay on my bed tonight, for me a sign that the negatively charged energy that cats like to seek already felt different on my bed....
I expect exciting experiences in the coming weeks and will certainly report further.😊One more thing: I got the idea to test the shipment I received yesterday with the pendulum.
Wow...what a super energy was indicated by my pendulum. Incredible!
Many greetings from near Freiburg
And thanks again
5/5 Hello, dear team at strahlenfrei-wohnen. Yes, of course I agree if you pass on the good, healing effect of the 'Biogeta'. We (my partner and I) have had it in the socket since 02.10.2020. Since then, our naturopath has not been able to measure any stress caused by geological stress or e-smog or water veins. We sleep much more relaxed and hardly have any wake-up phases. It has a calming effect on us in everyday life, more later. Kind regards, Ute Puschkat and Burkhard Kroll. 5/5Dear Sir or Madam,
I am thrilled with your products. First I ordered the Biofeldformer (XL), then the complete rest of your range.
I am at a loss for words, I would not have believed that such a thing was possible.
In the meantime, I have ordered another chain for my husband and our youngest daughter, as well as a Biofeldformer Water for our camper.
Of course, I have also recommended you to others, including my alternative practitioner, whom I should keep informed about your products and the effect.
Since I have your products, I no longer need my healer 😉
Thank you very much and best regards,
Juliane shrub
5/5 Dear Mr. Krüger, Thank you very much for the prompt delivery of the Biofeldformer. I was very excited to see the effect. As we can also do a little scrying, I tested the function immediately after unpacking and plugging it in. I could no longer detect any malfunction. It has now been in operation for a week and we have already noticed the positive effect. Most devices stopped working after a few days. We are enjoying this appliance and hope that it will continue to do so. Many thanks again and best wishes, Fritz and Käthi H. 5/5 Hello, Mr. Krüger! First of all, I would like to tell you that since I started using the Biofeldformer, I have been sleeping very soundly and waking up completely refreshed early in the morning. Super!!! In addition, our water is now really noticeably soft thanks to the Biogate Water Module. I notice this especially when brushing my teeth and on my skin. Great!!! Thank you for coming! Best regards from Neustadt, Dagmar Kunz 5/5 Dear Mr. Krüger, I would like to take the opportunity of the further development of your biofield former to express our thanks and confidence in you. In September last year, I ordered the size M Biofeldformer from you for my daughter. She and her partner had been trying unsuccessfully to have a child since July 2018. As she lives in the city of Dresden in a 17-family house and I am well aware of the problems of e-smog and radiation exposure, I decided to give her this device as a gift. What can I say, she has been pregnant since the turn of the year and we are all very much looking forward to the baby in September! She was able to cancel the appointment at the fertility clinic in time! Best wishes from Dresden, Kathrin Bischoff 5/5Hello Mr. Krüger,
I am happy to send you my positive feedback.
I moved to Pfinztal in March 2015. After a short time, my chronic migraine had worsened - from 1 attack per month to 3- 4 attacks per month.
At first I suspected that the move from Lake Constance to Pfinztal was emotionally stressful. It is not so easy to pull down all the tents after 26 years and start anew. Homeopathy and acupuncture brought me only a slight improvement.
In addition, I had a constant "mud bulb" and I suspected that something "UNGUT" was forming.
My girlfriend suddenly felt the need to buy a living room harmonizer, which seemed very suspicious to me. So I started to research and landed on your homepage. While working in my naturopathic practice, I have always been able to "measure" stresses caused by geopathology and ESmog and know their influence on human health.
The info on your homepage is very detailed and easy to understand. I immediately ordered a living space analysis.
Their measurement then showed that I had slept in the head area on a curry grid intersection. Now I have since 2 months the Biogeta L and am totally pleased that I had a MEGA attack after a short time (first worsening??) - but now I am free of migraine attacks for two months!!!
Yay ... and I expect it to stay that way. Also the feeling of the "mud bulb" is gone.
Keep researching ... mankind needs such innovative products!
Dipl.Ing. Michaela Waigel
5/5 Hello Sebastian, here is a report from my naturopathic practice in Cologne (www.resonanz-energie.de). I treated a family of 3 in the summer of 2017. The child slept badly, had nightmares and infections). All three of them also had severe exposure to electro-smog (both domestic electricity and Wi-Fi and mobile phone networks). I carried out a complete building biology investigation in their family home and in the father's large office (in another part of the city) in Cologne. The result was that there was enormous exposure at home from a cell phone mast only 50 m away with direct radiation to the parents' bedroom, children's room and living/dining area. Geological anomalies (water veins, grid lines) were also clearly measurable. The father of the family also had relatively high levels of exposure to WLAN and DECT in the company office, as he spends 8-12 hours there. In addition to treating the three family members in my practice using bioresonance and other methods, shielding measures were taken in the house to protect against the radio radiation from the transmission mast and WLAN and DECT were consistently switched off when not in use. Some technical measures were also carried out on the house power system. However, residual exposure was still clearly measurable, as the levels were very high. In addition, 2 biofield formers (S and L) were therefore placed in a central location in the residential building and one biofield former L in the company office. This enabled me to achieve almost complete harmonization of the people and most of the symptoms disappeared. In addition, the father of the family can no longer detect any e-smog or geopathic stress via bioresonance! In my opinion, the Biofeldformers work absolutely reliably and have convinced me!!! Thank you for your competent support in this case. Klaus-Peter Zeyen Alternative practitioner and building biology measurement technician (PSA), Cologne www.resonanz-energie.de 5/5 Dear Mr. Krüger, Thank you for the FM Biofeldformer and for the Bio-Wafer. I use the Bio-Wafer to energize water and I have to say that I only want to drink the energized water. I also always have the Bio-Wafer in my pocket at work and feel much better with it than without it. I also really like the Biofeldformer, I wouldn't give it away J. I can now sit at the computer without my head shining. And I sleep very well now thanks to the Biofeldformer and wake up very relaxed. My face isn't as swollen in the morning as it used to be and I've noticed that my breathing has become much more natural. Even when I go home from outside, I immediately feel this harmonious energy field. I grew up in the countryside and since I live in a small town, the electrosmog has been a huge problem for me. I am very happy that I now have the Biofeldformer. It gives me back a bit of quality of life. The only thing I regret is that I didn't buy the Biofeldformer much earlier J It is definitely worth the money and I will recommend your products to others. Of course, it would be fine for me if you published my feedback on your website. I've tried a lot of things against electrosmog and your products really help me the best. And since I've been thinking about buying something to energize water for a long time, I'm sure I won't go wrong with your Biogate Water module. If you want to be healthy, you have to drink healthy water. But I won't be ordering the water module until I'm back from vacation. By the way, I've noticed that I can cope better with the heat with the Bio-Wafer. When I put it away at work, my concentration got much worse and I became downright limp; when I put the Bio-Wafer back in my trouser pocket, it immediately got much better. I've also been watching my colleagues moan and groan in the heat for the last few days, but I just feel great despite the heat. I'm already looking forward to trying out your water module, I'm sure it won't take me three months to decide. Yours sincerely, Viktor Stoll 5/5 Hello Mr. Krüger! We are all more relaxed/rested since the harmonization. Our daughter sleeps through the night and is no longer so cold. When she sleeps in our bed, she stays straight and best of all: the daily tantrums (lasting at least 30 minutes) are a thing of the past. My husband no longer snores so loudly and her digestion has improved. I am more rested, more energetic, my right hip no longer pinches and my good digestion has also improved. Best regards, Ulrike Hoffstedde 5/5 Hello Mr. Krüger, Since the harmonization, all family members sleep deeper, calmer, better and feel much more relaxed and rested. My friend's husband and son knew nothing about the installation of the Biogeta module and both noticed the change and expressed it without being asked. Super!!!! Thank you very much and best regards from Cologne,Iris Nauer
Cologne 5/5 Dear Mr. Krüger, we are de-radiated 🙂 Thank you for sending us the interference suppression device to get to know it. Today we visited our naturopath and all three of us no longer had any interference from electrosmog, electric fields or water veins. We had also taken the device with us for a bio-resonance analysis. When I got home, I noticed that I was getting headaches without the interference suppressor. Conversely, that was also the first noticeable effect when I first installed it, when it went.... Thank you for the great invention! Best regards,Eva Leonhardt
5/5 Dear Mr. Krüger, Thank you very much for allowing me to test your Home M biofield former and the wafer. I am a building biologist myself and of course I have the Duplex and some rayonators at home. I studied physics, so I am familiar with the basics of physics. It was important to me to know whether your devices work and whether I can therefore recommend them to my customers (which I am now happy to do). Your Biogate has a very nice design and is not as big and conspicuous as the Duplex, which some customers complained about. I wish you continued success in your work and all the best. I think building biologists are doing a good job these days, especially when it comes to e-smog. Times are not getting any better (but the devices obviously are). Yours sincerelyJutta Eggermann
5/5 Hello Mr. Krüger, experience! The first four days with the Biofeldformer my husband and I slept a little more restlessly and less! But then our sleep normalized to sleeping through the night and waking up refreshed. In recent years, my husband has had to interrupt his sleep three times every night to urinate - even four times during heavy rain. This has improved considerably. After we started using the Biofeldformer, my husband had a bioresonance test. The doctor said that she rarely sees such a good test and only had to write such a short report. No geopathic interference fields could be detected! In my case, the bioresonance test before using the Biofeldformer indicated geopathic stress. - Well, my husband and I sleep in the same bed! We and our dog seem a little more relaxed. It may be a side effect: my husband's hair has become darker again and my scalp has improved. I've had skin problems for about a year because there are still traces of metals in my body. We are very happy to have found your site and to be able to help our son, who lives in an old farmhouse and has been constantly ill ever since. Best regards, G. & R. A. 5/5 Hello, Mr. Krüger! First of all, I would like to tell you that since I started using the Biofeldformer, I have been sleeping very soundly and waking up completely refreshed early in the morning. Super!!! In addition, our water is now really noticeably soft thanks to the Biogate Water Module. I notice this especially when brushing my teeth and on my skin. Great!!! Thank you for coming! Best regards from Neustadt, Dagmar KunzDo you have any other questions?
Please call us (+49(0) 2983 8929970) or send us an Mail. Alternatively, you can use the following link to arrange a personal consultation. Simply choose a time that suits you and we will call you promptly: Make a personal consultation appointment here (click)Important Notice:
The modules are supplied with a plug for self-installation. However, the plug does not connect the module to the circuit, but only provides a firm, constant hold directly on the circuit. The frequency information is thus modulated onto the 50Hz of the house current. Kind of like a radio station where an information frequency (the content) is modulated onto a carrier frequency so that we can hear it. This is called frequency modulation or FM for short.
Effect of Biogeta confirmed by bioresonance!
In the field of harmonization or the removal of earth radiation, there is now a countless range of devices, methods and utensils. Some of it works ... some partially, but many also not. No wonder that the "normal" person is usually rather skeptical about the whole thing. In the blog post "Is it possible to remove earth radiation?"I have described the common basic methods briefly, so that I will not go into detail about each method here. If one leaves the esoteric thought once and takes the whole topic "neutralizing water veins or earth rays" once scientifically, one does not come past it to regard the whole primarily in the form of different frequency spectra.
What is a frequency?
The term frequency basically only describes the number of passes of a wave - ideally as a sine wave - per second. The unit of measurement for this is hertz. A frequency of 100 hertz therefore has 100 passes per second.
Everything is vibration
Scientists and esotericists agree on one thing, and that is that everything in this "physical" reality is basically vibration. If one "zooms" with an electron microscope into a human body, one finds quite simply expressed an atomic nucleus around which electrons whiz. And this with a distance, which is approximately as large as if one would throw a one cent piece into the Cologne cathedral. If one would suck off the "empty" areas in all atoms of the human body, so that electron and atomic nucleus touch each other quasi as matter, we would be on the average approx. 0.2 mm large. Say we consist of nothing to the very largest part!
Max Planck described it like this "Matter is condensed vibration". Whereby this is also not the truth, because if one looks still deeper, we come to the quants or strings which change their state from oscillation into particle and back into oscillation. And this in dependence on the observer (The double-slit experiment).
If we have understood this once rudimentarily, it is absolutely logical to recognize that every form of matter is basically pure vibration and has a corresponding - quite own - vibration frequency. Exactly in the same way every organ has a certain frequency and also every geological disturbance zone, to draw the bow again to the main topic of this article.
The bioresonance
In bioresonance, exactly these known frequency values are used to the extent that an innumerable amount of known frequencies or basic frequency values are compared with the individual organs or - to stay with this example - with a sleeping place to be checked. For this purpose, a modern bioresonance device generates through a sophisticated dipole antenna technique, all frequency values in the device, to which a detector mat on a sleeping place - or corresponding body electrodes is connected. If there is a match on both sides - i.e. a resonance - we know for sure if the sleeping place is polluted by a water vein, for example, or if a certain organ(system) has a disbalance. The whole thing is now expressed very simply.
At this point it is important to understand that with the help of a bioresonance device, all geopathic disturbances such as water veins, faults and global grids (Hartmann grid, Curry grid or Benker grid), WITHOUT a dowsing rod, to 100% can be reliably located and defined. And this alone by the known physical frequency values. With it different results of different dowsers belong factually to the past - presupposed it a quasi building-biological standard asserts itself, whereby the whole topic from the range of the "Hokus-Pokus" into a rather scientific context would arrive. I personally would welcome this development very much.
The experimental setup
Within the scope of my training in bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, the subject of geopathy has of course particularly occupied me. As a building biology measurement technician of the Paul Schmidt Academy, a portable bioresonance device (PS 10 from Rayonex) is part of the basic equipment, which has the already described advantage of quasi 100%igen diagnostic accuracy.
When I examine a sleeping place for interference zones with such a device, a highly conductive detector mat picks up the smallest vibrations and potential differences of the corresponding area and passes them on to an electrode. On the other hand, various frequency programs with frequency spectra consisting of many individual frequencies can be set on the device, all of which have a correspondence with the pattern of a certain interference zone, e.g. a water vein. With a tensor connected to the device, it is now possible to determine, without mentally going into the field, whether there is resonance - that is, whether the disturbance is present. Even if it is the same charge. If there is resonance, a quasi-natural magnetism is created and the tensor begins to vibrate. If there is no resonance, nothing happens and the place is free of disturbance.
The proof
In the field of bioresonance there are two methods of passive tensor inquiries. Passive means here that one does not concentrate on a phenomenon as in radiesthesia, asks and then receives an answer, but outside of the field, merely establishes the resonance. This costs no energy, you are not in the field and you cannot influence it yourself, even if you want to. The second passive method is to put yourself into the oscillating circuit and check if you are free of interference or if you are standing on an interference zone. In the disturbance-free state, the tensor vibrates in rotation - the body energy flows in a sine curve - if the body is disturbed, a linear movement takes place - the sine in the body is disturbed. Interestingly, this works the same for all people. Completely automatically. You don't have to concentrate on anything or believe in anything. Purely bioenergetic.
The goal of many methods for the removal of water veins or the harmonization of earth rays is to harmonize the organism in such a way - i.e. to provide it with a spectrum of balancing frequencies - so that it no longer perceives the interference zone as such. Usually the goal is not to eliminate the interference zone. In fact, some building biologists insist that this is impossible, because an interference zone simply cannot be erased, but only the body can be harmonized.
However, I am of the opinion that one can delete and thus physically eliminate any frequency by an appropriate interference, if one knows the frequency.
To conclude briefly, if with the help of bioresonance I precisely locate an interference zone, e.g. a water vein and a curry lattice intersection point under a sleeping place, and then I create a Biogeta bio wafer (often a distance of 1m to the interference zone is sufficient), the interference zone disappears physically and can no longer be recognized as such by the bioresonance device. None of the many frequency values of water veins, faults or global grids are then present. The device then physically recognizes this place as free of interference. Of course, the rotation test in the field then also shows a free rotation without geopathic interference. The same happens if I use a Biogeta Biogate system to the electric circuit. After installation, no geopathic interference zone is measurable in the entire house. Personally, I have no other method of interference suppression that can do this!
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Procedures and wellness products based on findings of the subtle level and radiesthesic experience are not recognized for lack of physical-scientific provability. Only doctors, alternative practitioners and other users who have dealt with this matter and use these procedures and products themselves share and confirm the positive experiences that countless people have had. However, no guarantee of success can be given. There is extensive literature (with further references) on the subtle dimension, which familiarizes with the basics of the matter and aspects of practical application.